The final mockups produced can be seen on the following few pages. These were presented to a final group of young professionals to gain some informative, summative feedback. I was extremely pleased to hear that everyone in the group thought that the bars appropriately answer the brief and the client's requirements. All the feedback given suggested that the bars look luxurious, modern and current, and that they would appeal to the desired target audience (young professionals). People really praised the mockups and thought that the outcomes looked very professional, which was one aspect that I really wanted to achieve when researching into which mockups to use. They thought that the outcomes would have a very good chance of doing well on the Briefbox site, therefore, I am going to submit my outcomes to the site to see if any further work could come from this project.
Overall, this was one of the projects that I have enjoyed the most so far, mainly because I have not done any packaging design since last year's self branding project. It would have been really interesting to have physically produced the packaging; however, as this is a minor brief, I needed to keep the time scale as short as possible to allow myself time to complete the other briefs and modules. Packaging design is definitely one area that I would like to continue working in. My physical production skills aren't very good, therefore in future projects I would like to experiment with actually making the outcomes in 3D.
Branding is definitely becoming the sector of design that I would like to work in as a professional designer. I enjoy the process of developing a brand and its image through the consideration of careful research and audience considerations. After writing my cop essay, I think that marketing and branding will be the main areas that I focus more on in third year; when selecting live briefs, I am going to try and continue working in this style of clean, sleek design. All in all, this module has been really beneficial in helping me identify the type of work I enjoy producing, and the type of style I am confident in working with.