Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 01 - Major Brief - Outcomes & Evaluation

Overall, this project was really beneficial to my practice. It was quite a challenge completing such a substantial brief without the assistance of peers and uni sessions. I have completed branding projects before; however, feel that this was the biggest task to date. Whilst B&R's client may eventually not even decide to use these logos, all that matters for the brief set is that client I worked with did. As B&R accepted 3 final logos, it is fair to say that the outcomes produced are successful responses to the brief set. The megalodon tooth inspired logo will be fairly obvious to the owner because it relates to his personal possessions, whilst the other two are much more ambiguous and subtle. This was one of the requirements set in the initial brief; therefore, I am confident that the logos could be used for the exterior signage and general branding.

Time management in this project was really crucial to ensure that the work was completed on time. Confirming dates for feedback sessions at the start of the project was one aspect that I am going to try and incorporate more into my uni work. It made the entire process much more organised and divided each stage in the process much more clearly, so that I could constantly understand the client's thoughts on work produced.

Whilst the logos produced will most likely be associated to Bannenberg & Rowell if used, the more important aspect that I get from this brief is experience and contacts. Superyacht logo design is a very profitable area, and is one area that I definitely want to continue working in with relation to freelance work. Working on such a substantial live brief has improved my communication skills and understanding of client needs. Furthermore, as the logos needed to be scalable to any size, I was able to really improve my skills in Illustrator. This is one program that I tend not to use because I am much more experienced in Photoshop. However, after developing such a wide range of logos, I feel much more comfortable working in Illustrator.

As no real information was given regarding the yacht owner, the idea generation stage was very challenging. Other briefs picked identify who the client is, therefore they were much easier to complete. In this sense, I considered this as a substantial brief, as it took a lot more time to complete - especially when trying to find concepts that would be suitable. The three weeks spent on this brief were treated as 9-5 days. This was to ensure that I could produce the best work possible and treat the entire project as I would if professionally freelancing. If I could spend more time on this brief I would love to personally present the ideas to the yacht owner. Unfortunately, this will not be until the yacht is near completion; however, it may be a possibility later down the line.

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