Submission Boards:
Walkthrough Video:
In terms of the outcomes produced, everyone in the group stuck to their agreed roles and produced the deliverables on time. Myself and Harrison used information from all of our group's blogs to complete the research and design slides, keeping points short and informative to explain the idea process and design considerations.
The walkthrough video, R&D boards and mockups can be found on my blog. We submitted them, alongside the demo advertisement video produced by Oli and Grace, to D&AD, with Amber paying for it to be entered into the competition.
Overall, I feel confident that we have a strong chance of being considered in this competition, as we continuously related back to the Hasbro brief set througout the project and have produced a resolution that successfully targets the 16-26 target audience. Many people in our year asked if we were going to physically produce the game after seeing the outcomes were created. This was great to hear as it showed that people are interested in playing the game and seeing how it would work. If we do not get through I am going to try and physically develop the game further with the group, as I think it has potential to be a successful selling game.
This project was quite a challenge, mainly in terms of communication with other course students. I am used to working with Harrison, therefore found it easy to keep updated with him; however, as Grace and Oli have different coursework deadlines and University schedules, it was quite difficult to meet up. Thankfully, we were able to communicate with Oli over a Facebook chat. Grace does not have Facebook, therefore he worked closely with her in this project. As a team, myself and Harrison took more of a lead in terms of the contribution. I feel that this was mainly because we both invisioned the game idea and knew what we wanted the resolution to be like. Despite this, Grace and Oli did do a lot of work on the illustrations and demo animation. They are both quite shy, therefore I was happy to let them work at their own pace and not be pressured into doing more work. As a whole, we made a resolution that successfully answers the brief, which is what really matters.
Working with other course students made me understand how it can be a challenge to work with differently skilled people in industry; however, I think that I communicated with them well and identifed their strengths in the project. If we could have improved on anything in this project I think it would definitely have been time management, as group meetups could have been more frequent.
All-in-all, creating a party game was very different, but a lot of fun. I really enjoyed designing the cards and found the entire concept process very interesting. It is definitely one area of design that I would like to explore further in the future.
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