Friday, March 10, 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range and Distribution - Brief Interpretation & Topic Focus

Brief Interpretation - My interpretation of this brief is to find an issue, that is either social, political or ethically related, and solve it through producing an outcome backed by a body of practical, visual and contextual research. This outcome should be based around ideas of awareness or protest, and should explore the relationship between product range and methods/media of distribution as well as specific audiences, contexts and appropriate tone of voice.

The first part of this brief requires a body of research to be presented at an interim crit, where the issue found must be proposed in under 5 minutes. For this, I will need to find an issue to focus on and collect a range of research in order to successfully highlight why the issue needs to be resolved. For the second part of the brief, a practical response will be made to try and tackle the issue.

Topic Focus - In terms of an issue to focus on, I chose to pick a subject that I have explored quite recently this year; during the Context of Practice module this year, I based a lot of my essay on social media. After researching into the positives and negatives I began to see how so many peers and people around me, including myself, are reliant on social media every day. With people constantly checking to see if they have any new notifications, and endlessly scrolling through feeds of non-important posts, there comes a social issue where people are communicating more on their devices than in person. Whilst this issue has been identified from my personal, primary observations and essay research, further research will have to be made to find a very specific area of the social media issue.

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