Looking back at my initial aims and ambitions present in the initial statement, I feel that they have been effectively met in this module. As one of the ambitions was to complete a range of live briefs, I am very pleased with the various projects completed, as 7 out of the 8 briefs completed have been live briefs - 3 of which client focused and 4 of which competition focused. This has improved my communication skills with clients and definitely prepared me for working on real-life projects after University. Collaborating externally in two of the projects has also given me a lot confidence to work in a studio after University, as I now find it much easier to communicate with larger groups of people.
As many of the briefs completed are branding or music related, I aim to apply to studios that specialise in these areas. However, completing the loneliness brief opened my eyes to the impact of design on society. I therefore also aim to apply to studios that focus on social change and accessibility design, as I think it is the most rewarding field to work in.
One aspect that I never really identified before completing this module is that I always try to consider how something would function in the real world as opposed to being just a piece of design. In particular, I always tend to consider the marketing and business aspect of outcomes. Whilst this wasn’t necessarily documented in some projects I have been thinking ahead for a lot of projects. The food waste app, loneliness campaign, FLAC event and board game are all real-life ideas that hold the potential to be developed into businesses. I think that the business side of my DJing career has informed my practice in this sense, as I have to market myself and deal with business matters on a regular basis. This is an aspect that I am going to try and highlight after University, and I am aiming to take some of the projects completed forward and develop them into real businesses – FLAC and the loneliness campaign in particular.
Having to complete such a wide range of briefs in a set amount of time was very challenging; however, my time management skills have really benefitted from this module. I have learnt that I find it much easier to focus entirely on one brief for 1-2 weeks than a variety of briefs at the same time as I personally think it is more beneficial to not lose sight of the audience or brief deliverables. As this may not necessarily be the case in industry, I may have to adapt my process depending on the work and studio I go into. Pushing myself to complete various briefs in under a week was very useful as I learnt on the Smith Dawson placement that junior designers must work very efficiently under pressure.
Overall, I learnt a huge amount from this module. I know which areas of design I would like to specialise in after Uni and have produced a portfolio of work that I feel represents my strengths and interests. I aim to develop some of the projects after travelling and feel prepared to apply for jobs in September.