Tuesday, October 4, 2016

OUGD504 - SB1 - A-Z: Type in Context - Book Form

Today's lecture focused on Armand Mevis' essay from The Form of the Book. Some of the written content was actually very interesting and very informative in this project. I found the following lines particularly useful:

‘all books start from their content’ - For my publication I should strongly focus on what the publication is about and who it is going to appeal to over other concerns such as aesthetics and layout. It is very easy to jump straight into the designing stage; therefore, I must take my time to ensure that I have a publication that is engaging, relevant and suitable to an audience.

‘too much design and not enough content’ - This highlights how there needs to be a fine balance. It is easy to overcomplicate designs and write either too little or too much content. Finding that common ground between the two is essential to ensure that a book works well.

‘You need to dream about the books you would like to design, and this dream is what drives you; it is what keeps you going, wanting to do the next book and the book after that’ - I find this extremely relateable to my own practice. In my evaluation of last year, I mentioned that book binding projects were my favourite because I was constantly learning and evolving my skills. I still feel like an amateur when it comes to book design because I have only made 2 or 3 overall, all of which over the course of last year. I am determined to make a book that is better than the last one I made; therefore, I will take a lot more time in the production stages and making sure that the outcome is the best possible quality.

The main point I gained from this session was that I should really focus on the content and concept of the book over the aesthetic look of it. To follow on from this I am going to develop 2 concepts and gain some feedback from a crit group.

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