Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 01 - Minor Brief #2 - Brief

The final brief selected as part of Studio Brief 01 is a live brief set by Papyrus - the national charity for the prevention of young suicide.


The aim of this project is to publish a colouring book titled ‘The Art of a Peaceful Mind’, which helps to relieve stress, and prevent it from becoming a bigger issue, in the most simple way - colouring. Colouring has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety, calming the mind and allowing people to unwind and relax.

In an adult colouring book style line drawing, create a visual representation of something that helps you feel calm and relaxed, with a couple of lines explaining what it is you’ve drawn and why.

You can be as literal or abstract as you like. The specifications are that it needs to be A3 landscape with space for your paragraph, and please use a Staedtler 0.3mm fine liner pen. If you prefer to work digitally, please use a 3px brush size.

Who Are Papyrus

They are the national charity for the prevention of young suicide. They believe that unless we open up the conversation about suicide, we won’t make progress towards preventing it. So we aren’t afraid to talk about it and have been doing lots of work encouraging people to #talkthroughthetaboo.

Stress, for a lot of us, is an everyday occurrence. Something we just deal with, a fact of life. But it’s is
also a leading cause of mental health problems. One of the areas Papyrus focus on is the importance of keeping our minds healthy - this colouring book should be used as a preventative tool for keeping a healthy mind.

As a charity, they provide support for anyone feeling suicidal and the families who’ve lost loved ones. Their HOPEline has professionals waiting to help any young person in need.

Submission Info

Deadline: 27th February 2017.

Entries must be submitted via email to laura.wood@tbwamanchester.co.uk. They should include:

•  My work - For hand drawn work this should be scanned at 600dpi and sent as a PDF, digital work should be sent as an illustrator file. If the file size is too big to attach in an email, wetransfer can be used.
•  A couple of sentences about my piece.
•  My contact details - Name, age, university/college (if applicable), and a link to my website/online portfolio for Papyrus to include in the book.
•  If possible, include a time lapse video of the illustration being included.


Julia.buck@tbwamanchester.co.uk should be contacted if any help is needed.

I have predominantly chosen this brief to work outside of my comfort zone. As illustration is not an area of design that I feel that confident in/have not experimented much with before, this brief gives me a chance to develop my drawing skills and work on a something a bit different than the other two branding briefs completed. As this is a life brief, there is a good opportunity to produce a piece of work that could be featured and used to help people with mental health problems.

For this brief, I have set a time-scale of a week. The illustrations should not take very long to produce; it is the research stage that time will mainly be spent on, to ensure that the outcome produced is calm and relaxing.

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