Saturday, February 18, 2017

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 01 - Minor Brief #2 - Final Outcome & Evaluation

As the submission requirement was an Illustrator file with the illustration and type in, mockups made were not significant in terms of the actual entry - they were just to visually represent how the printed outcome would look. I emailed my entry over a few days prior to the deadline date, with the required details included. Overall, I am happy with the outcome produced and am confident that it would be appropriate for use in a stress-relieving book. I really tried to put a lot of time into the research stage of this process to ensure that designs would actually work in relaxing the user.

Personally, I would have chosen to submit the mandala designs, purely because I feel that they look more professional. This may be because many existing books use such patterns however. Crit feedback in this project was extremely useful, as the illustrations are extremely subjective. As a lot of feedback was gathered, I feel that the responses made are appropriate, and have been fully informed by the target audience specified.

In terms of time management I stuck to the time plan made and managed to complete this project within 2 weeks. The research stage was where most time was spent - after this, the process was actually very straightforward. Using a time plan definitely helped to work in a more progressive way, as it allowed me to go through the different stages and experiment quite a lot.

I really enjoyed this project, mainly because illustration is not an area that I usually work in or feel confident with. Whilst it is not an area of design that I would like to pursue as a career, it is useful to complete such briefs in order to build skills and knowledge of different softwares. I learnt quite a lot about Illustrator in this project, simply through making various illustrations - particularly the mandalas. Illustrator is definitely one program that I am going to use more in future briefs.

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