Monday, April 16, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 06 - Poster Jam - Research

As Poster Jam is very much about showing your perspective on the chosen word, I have researched into areas that I feel are representative of 'energy'. The main areas that will inform my initial ideas are as follows:

Previous Features - The majority of previously featured Poster Jam posters are either typographic or have used vibrant colours. Whilst I want my designs to be entirely personal, the style of previously featured posters will inorm some of the ideas and digital design decisions, as getting on the Poster Jam site would be a great way to promote my website and online portfolio. 

Science - The first thing that comes into my mind when considering the word 'energy' is The Sun. It radiates huge amounts of energy and is the the main source of Earth's light and heat, also creating weather systems over the oceans. Sun essentially provides solar energy (heat and light); however, there are many other forms of energy that exist - kinetic, magnetic, chemical, sound, elastic, nuclear and gravitational are the main forms. These various forms have inspired me.

Colour - When also considering the word 'energy', colour comes into mind. From my perspective, energy visually makes me think of bright, vibrant, electric colours. Online research highlights that the main colour associated with energy is yellow - it is the colour of sunshine and is also associated with joy, happiness and intellect. This has inspired me to focus on using yellow and other bright colour to try and visually relate this. 

Imagery - Online research highlights that one of the most common symbols for representing energy is a lightning bolt/electrical pulse. This has inspired some initial ideas.

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