Outcomes - The videos and mockups produced can be seen below. These have been submitted to Creative Conscience alongside some minimal design boards, explaining my research and design decisions.

App Demonstration & Mockups

Online Campaign Example & Mockup

Submission Boards
Evaluation - This brief was very interesting, particularly because it allowed me to produce outcomes that could essentially make a difference to the environment. Creative Conscience's Open Brief brief isn't that specific - all it asks is that submissions have the potential to provoke action and have a genuine impact. I believe that this concept does answer the brief in the sense that, if it became a popular working app, it holds the potential to reduce food waste in the UK, even if it is marginal. All the feedback given from peers and crits were very supportive, with many people commenting on how they would use such an app. Personally, I would use the app, as find that I waste the most amount of food from forgetting what is in the kitchen.
The animation process was very challenging in this project, particularly because there is so much content that needed to be included in the demonstration video. The time plan was helpful; however, as the deadline was fairly far away, I chose to extend this brief to 3 weeks, as I wanted the outcomes to be as high-quality as possible. I am very proud of the outcomes produced; the app is definitely something that I am considering developing forward in the future. I'm hoping to get in contact with various food waste organisations to see whether I could work with them on this project.
If I could have done anything differently in this project, I would have liked to have physically made the app. Programs, such as Adobe XD and Muse, do not offer the functions and animation tools that I was able to show in the demonstration video; however, I have signed up to receive early access to the new piece of software 'InVision Studio', which is a new, game-changing app that would have been perfect for making the app physically work. I am going to use this for future projects once I am emailed access to the software.
In conclusion, this brief helped to strengthen my animation skills, improve my research skills and learn about an environmental issue that I had never truly considered before.
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