Wednesday, March 7, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Creative Conscience - Digital Development

To keep consistency throughout the app and campaign I have made a simple brand guidelines. As the app focuses on food in the UK, I have analysed the top 10 supermarkets in the UK. This has informed the following:

Colour - The most popular colour used by supermarkets is green - a colour associated with freshness and good health. Due to these reasons, green is going to be used as the main identity colour, accompanied with various tones of grey and white. Food hierachy colours have been taken from the analysis too. As red has negative associations, a gradient of green to red will be used, with red highlighting items that are nearing their expiry date.

Typograpy - In terms of typography, 9 of the top 10 supermarkets use sans-serif typefaces. Sans-serif typefaces are more popular than serif typefaces in app design because they are less traditional and give a more modern visual. For these reasons, Gotham has been selected to use across the app and campaign; both the bold and light versions are very legible, making it perfect for headers and body copy.

After settling on the brand guidelines, I have begun digitally developing the app.

IOS 11 / iPhone X Guidelines - One problem identified with the existing apps found is that only 1/3 works with the iPhone X and new devices. Keeping up with technology is vital to ensure that consumers have the best user experience possible. For this reason, I have researched into IOS 11 and iPhone X guidelines, to gain an understanding of the optimum type sizes, layout requirements and other crucial aspects. The final app will be optimised on all smartphones; however, for demonstrational purposes, designs will be made for the iPhone X.

Wireframing - I personally find the process of drawing wireframes before designing rather long winded, as it requires the pages to be drawn, then designed and then animated. To make the process more efficient, I have designed and wireframed the app's pages in one go. Very careful attention has been made to the brand guidelines set, feedback received earlier in the process, IOS 11 guidelines and how the app would physically work if produced into a working app. Eventually, after 2 full days of development, 14 pages have been created. These will be used in the production stage to visually explain how the app will work.

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